Kirsty Gibbs was a member of Macquarie University Women's Hockey Club who passed away at a young age in 1998. She was a magette through and through - tough on the field, cheerful and supportive off the field. She was President of the Mac Uni Women's Hockey club and played a key role in initiating and developing the club into the fantastic family we all enjoy being part of today.
Since she passed away, the Kirsty Gibbs Award has been presented annually to someone who reflects Kirsty's attitude, efforts and achievements in relation to MUHC - on and/or off the field. In short, the Kirsty Gibbs Award is the 'Club Person of the Year'.
A huge shout out to our 2015 winner, Amanda Nabulsi who has continued to give her time tirelessly to the club this year!
***All active members of the club can vote!***
Please send your KG nomination to Steff Fenton ( with a quick sentence as to why you're nominating this person.