Kirsty Gibbs nominations due by Saturday

Please get your nominations for the Kirsty Gibbs award in by Saturday.  


Who do think is best suited to take home the "Club Person of the Year" this year?

Get your Kirsty Gibbs votes in ASAP!

***All active members of the club should vote!***

Please send your KG nomination to Steff Fenton ( with a quick sentence as to why you're nominating this person.

Skills Training starts 19th Oct

Summer skills will be running again this season from the Wednesday the 19th of October to Wednesday the 23rd of November.

There will be 2 groups alternating between 7:30-8:30 and Ryde hopefully.
Costs will be approximately $60.

This year we will be stripping the program back for intensive work on elimination skills, tackling and shooting.

Let Jimmy know if you are keen. 

AGM - 5th November

If you are keen to get involved in the administration of the club please put Sat 5th of November in your diary's (time and location TBA) to come and vote at our annual general meeting. You will not be required to participate if you don't wish but we need as many people there as possible. It is your chance to have your say about the upcoming year at MUHC and volunteer for a committee position if you wish. 

More details to come later.